HCE Maps
By CommunityWelcome to the Hardcore Expeditions (HCE) Guide for Albion Online! High-Level Expeditions are challenging and rewarding PvE activities that offer players a unique opportunity to test their skills, teamwork, and strategic thinking. In this guide, we will explain maps of High-Level Expeditions, exploring what they are and how they work
1- Preaching to the Death
Mob-Type: Undead
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 4/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Haunted Deathlord
2- Fishy Business
Mob-Type: Heretic
Max-Lvl.: Lv. 18
Difficulty: 1/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Mad Chops
3- Stone Wars
Mob-Type: Earth Keepers
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 2/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Rockgrinder Chieftain
4- Lumber Lunacy
Mob-Type: Heretic
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 1/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Mad Weaponsmaster
5- Lurking Underneath
Mob-Type: Undead
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 3/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Haunted Ghast
6- Fungicide
Mob-Type: Earth Keepers
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 4/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Rockgrinder Elder
7- Three Sisters
Mob-Type: Morgana
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 3/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Obsessed Raven ; Veteran Obsessed Magistra ; Veteran Obsessed Fang
8- Eternal Battle
Mob-Type: Undead
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 4/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Haunted Governor
9- Fistful of Silver
Mob-Type: Heretic
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 4/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Mad Shadowmask
10- In the Raven Claws
Mob-Type: Morgana
Max-Lvl.: Lvl. 18
Difficulty: 5/5
Boss-Name: Veteran Obsessed Tormentor
HCE Map Difficulty/Rewards Per Level